The Journey of Silpakarman: Two Sisters' Passion Project Rooted in People, Product, and Place

The Journey of Silpakarman: Two Sisters' Passion Project Rooted in People, Product, and Place

Have you ever taken a trip that changed your life? For us, that vacation was a trip to Shillong and Guwahati in 2012, where we discovered the wonders of bamboo and  became the catalyst for their entrepreneurial journey.

During our trip, we stumbled upon the Mawsmai Cave caves and a hilltop with a fascinating story of a monster. The town was filled with cute little shops selling bamboo jewelry and pencil boxes. We picked up a few souvenirs, unaware that this chance encounter would spark a passion project that would change our lives.

As we explored the town, we experienced bamboo in various forms - from traditionally cooked rice in bamboo logs to bamboo pickles and bamboo shoot beverages. We saw houses made entirely of bamboo, and even visited Asia's cleanest village, Mawlynnong, where every house had a simple business structure, serving local food to tourists.

This experience stayed with us, and years later, when we started our venture, we knew we wanted to work with bamboo. Our father suggested exploring bamboo as a raw material, and we knew it was the perfect fit.


At Silpakarman, relationships are at the heart of our philosophy. We believe in fair trade principles, ensuring equitable compensation packages for rural populations. We celebrate human connectivity, fostering camaraderie and mutual admiration.


From humble beginnings, we've expanded our portfolio to include a range of sustainable bamboo commodities. We've pioneered the integration of bamboo components into everyday objects, promoting functionality and aesthetics.


We're ambassadors of regional pride, advocating for Tripura's underrated artistic landscape. We encourage tourism, hoping to attract visitors seeking solace in the verdant hills peppered with terraced bamboo farms. We raise awareness about bamboo's manifold merits, stimulating demand and generating revenue streams for marginalized communities.

Tagline: People, Product, Place

Our slogan encapsulates the crux of Silpakarman's identity. We uphold ethical standards, value collaborators, and honor origins. We're committed to perpetual evolution, continually aspiring to broaden horizons while remaining steadfastly loyal to our guiding principle.

Through diligent efforts and ceaseless enthusiasm, Akshya and Dhwani breathed life into their brainchild, demonstrating audacity and resolve. Emboldening audiences nationwide, Silpakarman served as a clarion call for consciousness, encouraging patrons to adopt mindful purchasing habits. Celebrating humanity, cherishing memories, and commemorating legacies, Silpakarman stood tall as a bastion of integrity, fortified by its unwavering allegiance to its founding pillars.

Experience the magic of Silpakarman and join the journey towards a more sustainable future.

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